#MakingHistory: US Senator Bernie Sanders features Palestinian voices in Gaza in recent video
In recent social media post, US Senator Bernie Sanders posted a video featuring the voices of Palestinians from Gaza. In the video entitled “Palestinians describe life in Gaza,” five Palestinians talked about their experiences living under the decade-long Israeli blockade. “The voices of the Palestinians are rarely heard,” the caption stated on the Senator’s various social media accounts.
US Congressional Briefing on Gaza held by Faith Forum
Sponsored by the Faith Forum on Middle East Policy, a network of Christian denominations and organizations working for a just peace in the Middle East, a Congressional briefing was held to discuss the implications of U.S. policy on the ground in Gaza and in Israel and the surrounding area and hear about constructive ways security and economic concerns can be addressed.
Gaza Unlocked: Overcoming Fences of Narrative
Our new blog shares stories and analysis from Gaza: Gaza, or the Gaza Strip, are names of a place that appears on the headlines every once and a while. Like most parts of the world where turmoil is routine, the media tends to treat Gaza as one political, social, and cultural unit. But Gaza, home (and refugee camp) to two million Palestinians, is far more politically and culturally rich than it would be portrayed in the media.
Have You Heard the Message from Gaza?
Jennifer Bing wrote and read the following speech at a rally held in Chicago on June 5, 2018.
Hearing in the Heartland
On April 21, AFSC hosted "Gaza Unlocked: Hearing in the Heartland" in Indianapolis, a live-streamed event that offered the public an opportunity to learn more about the crisis in Gaza and connect with others working to end the blockade.
Press Release: 'Gaza Unlocked' shows life under occupation
“The experiences of people in Gaza are generally kept out of the headlines and far from the minds of political leaders who allow this blockade to persist,” said Jennifer Bing, director of AFSC’s Palestine-Israel program. “Our hope is that sharing the stories of Palestinians living under the blockade, the hardships they face and their resilience and steadfastness in the face of these obstacles will inspire people to take action.”
The Inherent Violence of Israel’s Gaza Blockade
An op-ed by AFSC's Palestine-Israel program director Mike Merryman-Lotze.