In episode three of Palestine Now & Then, Jehad Abusalim interviews Toufic Haddad, a Palestinian writer and author of many works that analyze the Palestinian struggle in the larger context of geopolitical trends and history.

Understanding Gaza - An Interview with Toufic Haddad
In episode three of Palestine Now & Then, Jehad Abusalim interviews Toufic Haddad, a Palestinian writer and author of many works that analyze the Palestinian struggle in the larger context of geopolitical trends and history.
The two discuss Israeli and western efforts to fracture Palestinian sovereignty in the West Bank and Gaza, as well as the evolution of the Israeli strategy towards Gaza. Haddad emphasizes the importance of Gaza as the largest continuous Palestinian population in historical Palestine, and puts Gaza at the center of the discussion of the various issues that Palestinians face by connecting the isolation and oppression of Gaza to that of the entire Palestinian people. Haddad calls for resistance to the normalization of how Israel functions, and for a western movement that refuses material or ideological support for Israel, "a settler colonial entity that relies upon ethnic cleansing that is practicing apartheid."
The episode can be found here.
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