#GazaMarchTour: Media Highlights

AFSC's #GazaMarchTour, featuring Palestinian writer and peace activist Ahmed Abu Artema, came to an end in the last week of March. Yet Ahmed's tour of more than ten cities in the United States, left significant footprints in all the places he visited.

March 30 Day of Action

March 30 marks the first anniversary of the start of the Great March of Return. Please join us in action on March 30 by organizing an event in your community. 

Gaza March Tour: An Interview with Ahmed Abu Artema

Ahmed Abu Artema is the Palestinian writer, refugee, nonviolent advocate, and visionary who inspired the Great March of Return. In March, he will share his experiences with people in cities across the U.S. as part of the AFSC speaking tour “Hashtags to headlines: How the Gaza Great March of Return challenged the world.”

Ahmed Abu Artema featured in Al Jazeera documentary, "Gaza: Betweeen Fire and Sea."

Who is Ahmed Abu Artema?

Ahmed Abu Artema is a Palestinian writer and activist who believes in civil nonviolent struggle to achieve justice, freedom, and equality.

Rahf Hallaq receives her award at the Gaza AFSC office.

Winning Essay "The Party"

“There’s going to be a party tonight!” It’s 12 a.m. The entire house had gone to sleep and I’m sitting lazily on my desk studying, trying my best to ignore the infuriating buzz of the drones roaming above my head...

Nadya Siyam receives award at AFSC office in Gaza.

Winning Essay "30 Minutes... A Thousand Times Over"

"At times of war you become extra alarmed. You become a navigator as you try to predict how far each bombing is from your house and who of your beloved lives near the area you’ve predicted. And when you’re done with your calculations, you pray you were wrong..."

Gaza writer Tarneem Hammad receives award at the Gaza AFSC office.

Winning Essay "Dear Blockade"

"Dear Blockade, I was 14 when I first met you. You never asked me to be friends, you just took over my life. You grew as I grew. I'm writing to you because you're a part of my life..."

Congratulations to the Essay Winners

We were thrilled to receive 41 submissions to our Gaza Unlocked essay contest "My Life Under Blockade."  The essays were a powerful tribute to the bright and talented youth in Gaza...

Biased Media Coverage of Gaza Protests

Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR), a national media watch group challenging media bias since 1986, published this week an article by Gregory Shupak on the recent coverage of Gaza in the press.

A Day in Gaza

During my visit to Israel and Palestine earlier this month I was able to spend five and a half hours in Gaza.  I intended to spend several days visiting AFSC’s staff and partners in Gaza but the Israeli military didn’t approve the permits I required to enter Gaza until the day before I was scheduled to return to the United States.

My Life Under Blockade Essay Contest

Call for Submissions: The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is pleased to announce the “My Life Under Blockade Essay Contest.

Farmer in Gaza washes his fava bean field after the spraying. Photo by Muhammad Sa’id, B’Tselem, 23 Jan. 2017

Complicit Companies in Gaza Blockade

Our AFSC colleagues working on Economic Activism recently released an important update on our Investigate site regarding companies that are complicit in the blockade of Gaza.

Tea for Return

On September 7, 2018, Palestinian activists invited anti-Zionist Israeli activists to have tea and protest in solidarity with the Great March of Return. Since the Gaza siege fence and occupying military forces stood between them, they instead joined the demonstration from the eastern side with Palestinian flags and spoke with the Palestinian protestors by phone.
